RDI and Autism: The Big Umbrella
In this episode of Autism, A New Perspective, Kat Lee speaks with Dr. Rachelle Sheely, President of RDIconnect® about the broad-reaching benefits of RDI®.
In this episode of Autism, A New Perspective, Kat Lee speaks with Dr. Rachelle Sheely, President of RDIconnect® about the broad-reaching benefits of RDI®.
In this episode, Lisa shares her journey of over 20 years as a mom of two boys with unique needs. She looked to help them grow into happy, well-adjusted adults.
In this video, I discuss a case study about using RDI® to address behavior issues at school. I’ve been working with this particular family for about 17 years, so I’m very familiar with the child and his history. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to observe the student in the classroom several times, either in-person or through video review or a live Zoom feed. In one instance, I was asked to observe some video taken in the classroom to look for a potential bullying situation.
I’ve homeschooled my son for most of his life. I know the challenges of getting organized and meeting goals in the school. I hope these tips will help you.