In this episode, Lisa shares her journey of over 20 years as a mom of two boys with unique needs. She looked to help them grow into happy, well-adjusted adults.
Is This Autism?
Autism and Mental Engagement
It’s possible to reform a Guiding Relationship with children diagnosed with autism, leading to growth-seeking and many more benefits.
Learn more with Dr Sheely
RDI and Non-Verbal Children
Sometimes there is a misconception that RDI does not work with children who are non-verbal, that this is not for them. But Dr. Rachelle Sheely talks about her work with children on the spectrum that were non-verbal and how RDI® can be used with every child.
Gestures and Communication: Part 2
One of the things we do when we are forming experience representations are always doing enactments. We’re not using narrative words, we’re doing enactments.
Gestures and Communication: Part 1
When we’re using our body, we tend to use that part of the brain that manages experiences. Many people with Autism have been taught to use language as a task. As a performance-based measure. They wind up losing the sense of experience. The sense of flow with other people.
The Importance of Self-Communication
Gestures and Autism: The Importance of SELF Communication