Special 2 day online event tackling eating and sensory issues that affect eating in children and adults with autism. April 24-25th, 2021
RDI® News
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RDI®️️ Annual Conference 2020
**Recordings will be available to all attendees for 6 months after the end of the Annual Conference** Early Bird Pricing ends Sunday! We are excited to announce that this year’s Annual Conference is...
An Interview with Kamini Lakhani by Parenting Autism India
“Interested Professionals and Parents can become RDI® Consultants in India itself. They need not travel to the US any more.”
Spreading the News of RDI® in Spanish!
Claudia Perez Andreessen, the director of professional training in Mexico, is continuing to spread the news of RDI® in Spanish throughout Latin America!
British Columbia Opens to RDI
State funding now available to RDI families in British Columbia!
Scientist’s Conclusions Affirm RDI®’s Approach
This scientist’s suggestions about how to treat ASD children that are consistent with what we do in RDI.
RDI® Consultant Training FAQ’s
Along with our amazing and supportive professional community, we are here to help you every step of the way and beyond.
New Research supporting RDA in Clinical Practice
Recent studies explore the Relationship Development Assessment in clinical practice
Cutting Edge Autism Research
Dr. Steven Gutstein presents cutting edge research on the neurology of autism. Learn all about it here.