Kenneth Lut Kwan Chow, Educational Psychologist

RDI® Certified Consultant

Location: 16F & 17F, 700 Nathan Road, Kowloon.
Kowloon, Hong Kong #
Hong Kong

Areas Serviced: Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore

Languages: English, Cantonese, Mandarin


Works at a Distance

About Kenneth

Kenneth is a registered psychologist both in HK (HKPS) and Australia (Psychology Board of Australia). Currently based in Hong Kong, Kenneth has extensive experience working with parents, teachers and children with special educational needs in various settings for over a decade. He specializes in psychological assessment and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). He is a certified ADOS-2 User.

Kenneth runs business in Hong Kong that serves schools and families in need, and works in collaboration with a number of organizations with the aim of promoting positive learning environment for children. He also lectures in various universities in Hong Kong and works as a field supervisor for psychologist trainees.

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