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RDI® At Home: Spelling is Universal
RDI® in Action This video shows RDI® in action, as father and son work together to spell out the word 'universal'. Pausing to give your child enough time to come up with the answer is a major part...
RDI At Home: Pizza Fridays
It’s Friday, like no Friday we’ve ever known. Time for Pizza! You will find yourself smiling as this father and son try to figure out what each other wants to put on the pizza. Notice the pacing and...
RDI At Home: Planting Seeds
It’s Thursday—like no Thursday we’ve ever known. Join Kathy Darrow and plan for a summer harvest. If you don’t have seed packets readily available, cut open fruit or vegetables from the refrigerator...
RDI At Home: Dance! Dance! Dance!
It’s Wednesday—like no Wednesday we’ve every known. We are working from home. We are playing as we work. This is a video of Charlee at her dance recital. It’s quite beautiful. We are spotlighting...
Covid 19: At Home with Our Children
When Family Time is Not a Choice Even the most intrepid saint-like parents might feel the ominous weight and pressure of cabin fever when family time is not a choice but a 24/7 sequestered reality. ...
You can do RDI anywhere!
What is RDI, how is it implemented and how the online platform means less dependence on outside therapists.
Presumed Competence
How Believing in Our Kids will Help Them Believe in Themselves
Declarative Language Handbook
Using a Thoughtful Language Style to Help Kids with Social Learning Challenges Feel Competent, Connected and Understood!
Helping Your Kids Navigate Sensory Challenges
People with autism see and process their world through their senses in a very different way. How can you help your child navigate their sensory issues?
Is Independence Possible with Autism?
Growth and independence are possible, and they happen through a process of guidance that stimulates growth-seeking and awareness in the child.
The Power of Episodic Memory in Autism Part 2
Without the ability to learn from your past experiences and use your episodic memory to make choices, you can become rigid and inflexible and nonfunctional.
Transitioning to Adulthood: Part 2
With RDI® all of the simple and everyday experiences we enjoy with our children become huge in terms of their growth.
What is an Autism Meltdown?
It helps parents once they understand what a meltdown is, as then you are able to gain the ability to foresee the signs of a meltdown, as well as identify the causes, and reduce the frequency.
Holidays & Autism
You can expect your holidays to have positive outcomes and produce beautiful memories when you are mentally prepared, and especially when you do not put too much pressure on yourself.
Transitioning into Adulthood: Part 1
Do you have dreams for your child with autism? Dr. Rachelle Sheely talks about how we should never limit the dreams we have for our kids, autism or not, and how to help put them on a path to independence from a young age.
Speech Therapy Goals for Autism
In the RDI program, our focus is not on language when we talk about speech therapy, it is about RDI lifestyle and daily life opportunities, simple life activities that promote mutual communication.
Non-Verbal Communication Tips
By practicing consistent directive methods, you can master communication challenges, even if your child with ASD is non-verbal.
The Power of Episodic Memory in Autism
Welcome to our series on The Power of Episodic Memory in Autism. This is part one of a three part series written by Certified RDI® consultants Sharon Bradbrook-Armit and Kathy Darrow. You can read...
Do You Feel Left Out of Your Child’s Therapy?
In RDI, we really believe in parents and we also believe that there is a developmental structure inherent in the way children are raised worldwide. And that just because that’s difficult for parents who have a child on the spectrum, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
Tapping Into Your Child’s Potential
How can you help your child with autism reach their potential? Regulation, the MindGuiding Relationship, and the right amount of challenge all play a part.
RDI®: Hope Around the World
One of the things at the Pan African Congress For Autism that impressed me and really didn’t surprise me was that parents and professionals alike had the same concern when they were thinking about the individuals that they deal with who were on the spectrum and their families.
Mental Challenge and Growth
What constitutes a mental challenge is subjective, but typically it happens when we’re faced with a situation we can’t figure out by looking back on our previous experiences – but the situation is also not too overwhelming.
Behavior: Start with the Mind First!
At RDIconnect, our programs focus on rebuilding the brain’s neural pathways that have disrupted the naturally occurring parent-child Guiding Relationship, which opens the door to...
2019: A New Year in RDI®
Find hope in the new year with the RDI® remediation model.
The Future and Dynamic Intelligence
Dr. Gutstein talks research, dynamic intelligence and going into the future.
All About RDI®
RDI® has often been called the missing piece of the puzzle in treating ASD because we don’t try to whitewash symptoms, but go to the heart of the problem and offer solutions that will improve your family’s quality of life.
Recover, Restore, Understand
With Relationship Development Intervention, our consultants help parents move from the difficulty of diagnosis and gain the tools to become an effective guide to your child.
I haven’t found one paper written, and I’ve read everything, that talks about the potential for remediation of these areas: of neural remediation, of psychosocial remediation. Not one. It’s all about can we teach people other ways of functioning, or just neglecting it completely and not even thinking about it.
How Does Dynamic Intelligence Impact Daily Life?
We live in a complex and dynamic world where everyday we must solve problems, make decisions and face challenges. Dynamic Intelligence is the term we use to describe the mental functioning that enable humans to successfully navigate this world and our relationships.
Slowing Down Your Life: Self Care for Autism Parents
Slowing down is always the first thing I look at with any new family. You have to take care of yourself FIRST.
Why RDI® Emphasizes the Guiding Relationship
When infants who go on to be diagnosed with autism do not contribute sufficient energy to their relationship, parents, no matter how motivated or proficient they are, are unable to guide and their relationship cannot develop in a normal manner. The Guiding Relationship helps a child develop the tools that will carry them through their life. RDI® helps to re-establish this relationship.
HOPE: A Case Study
What I liked about the conversation was that these six things show a self-reflection, they show the hard work he’s done, they actually kind of document the guiding relationship he had with his parents.
MindGuiding Develops the Brain!
At RDIconnect, our programs focus on rebuilding the brain’s neural pathways that have disrupted the naturally occurring parent-child Guiding Relationship, which opens the door to learning!
Mindful Parenting
The following video clip is from a recent planned engagement.
More than Social Skills!
There’s still an implicit assumption that people with Autism have to fake it, or that if you just get them to behave a certain way, that that’s a sign of great progress. We have to change it.
Creating an IEP that Promotes Growth!
During Independent Education Plan (IEP) season, parents everywhere are preparing, researching, talking to other parents, consulting with advocates, case managers, and a variety of professionals.
All in hopes of hitting the nail on the head and creating a comprehensive plan that will take their special needs child to the next level, academically and otherwise.
Obstacles to Guiding
What challenges are normal when it comes to Guiding your child with autism? Certified RDI® Consultant Kat Lee shares her insight in this webinar.
Take the Autism Glasses Off!
Sometimes when an autism diagnosis comes in, there’s a veil that falls over our dreams. Will there be hope again?
Help Your Child with Autism Sleep Better!
If you have a child with neurodevelopmental differences such as autism bedtime can be a struggle. A good night’s sleep is important. Here are some ways to help.
Moving Our Children Forward
Sometimes. we help our children too much. This podcast is a great reminder to always focus on where we want our children to be at age 21, and how to get them there.
We’re NOT Teaching Skills
Dr. Steven Gutstein explains how the RDI Model doesn’t teach skills, but improves the brain’s ability to function in a way that leads to more successful outcomes.
Dare to Dream
Dr. Rachelle Sheely continues her discussion on the crisis after a diagnosis and finding hope with RDI.
Why There is Hope in RDI
There are differences in how children with autism develop, but there is hope for growth and connection with RDI.
Parents, You’ve Done Nothing Wrong!
Dr. Rachelle Sheely speaks directly to parents about how to move forward after an autism diagnosis.
Asperger Syndrome: 9 Things You Didn’t Know About This Invisible Disability
Learn about common signs that may identify those with Asperger syndrome, and how it may affect others in their life.