RDIconnect® Blog
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Co-regulation: The Bridge to Communication
Co regulation is the simplest form or the prototype of communication.
How Autism Transformed Our Family
I found Mohit and more importantly, he found himself.
Our Journey Towards Real Communication
Shifting the focus of communication, gave this mother back her relationship with her son.
Preparing for the Holidays with an Autistic Child
Autistic individuals can struggle with the change in routine that the holidays bring but with some planning ahead of time they can manage it without anxiety!
A Book Review: Constructing Language
Dr. Sheely reviews “Constructing a Language: a Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition” by M. Tomasello.
RDI Transforms Lives
One parent’s story of how RDI transformed their son’s life.
Surviving the Holidays RDI Style
One parent’s story on how they survive the holidays
When “No!” Means “I’m Scared or Overwhelmed!”
Sometimes the word “no”, does not mean what you think.
RDI Creates Relationship
One mom’s story about how RDI restored relationship with her son.
Non-Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication is part of the RDI story.
RDI Restores Confidence
One mother´s story of how the RDI program has given her daughter confidence and freedom
Mindful Parenting Saved Our Family
As we foray into this exciting arena of Mindful Parenting, it’s difficult, different, and much more deliberate as compared to other ways; but it is equally delightful.
5 Ways to Stop Imprisoning Individuals With Autism
Making sure our attitudes are not keeping our children with ASD hidden in a box.
The Road to Dynamic Thinking
One mom´s story of Dynamic Thinking in action.
Autism and Independence
Are you preparing your child to eventually live as independently as possible right now? Regardless of the extent of a child’s disability or his age, there is much we can do to help our children live up to their fullest potential.
When No Means “I’m Confused”
What are they really thinking when they yell “NO”?
Developing Dynamic Intelligence is Crucial
Our world is becoming increasingly complex and we must help our children develop Dynamic Intelligence.
After the Autism Diagnosis: Restoring Confidence
When parenting an ASD child, we cannot take elements of our relationship for granted.
My Son is Thriving with RDI
The RDI program has turned her son’s life upside down.
Ask Dr. Sheely
What does working with a consultant look like and how much would it cost?
Slowing Down with RDI
One family’s story on how slowing down, helped them to speed up.
Carving Pumpkins RDI Style
RDI consultant Lisa Palasti shares how to incorporate RDI into everyday life, including pumpkin carving!
RDI® Consultants Bring Hope
It’s easy to give up after an autism diagnosis. Here is one parent’s story of how RDI® gave them back hope.
Empowering Parents Through RDI
One family’s story about how RDI gave them back their life.
As an RDI® Consultant, I Empower Parents
A lot of parents don’t realize that they have power to help their own kids.
Moving out of Crisis: The First Step
An autism diagnosis sends conscientious parents looking for anything that will help their family regain a sense of normalcy.
Getting to the Heart of the Child
ASD interferes with children’s ability to integrate or retain the typical learning opportunities…
RDI Program Mission
Dr. Gutstein explains the primary mission of the RDI program.
Instrumental Communication and Dynamic Abilities
So many objectives can be targeted during snow shoveling, both parent and child objectives.
Autism: Development of the Self
Developing the parent-child guiding relationship is a key factor to develop the self.
Laying the Foundation for Autism Remediation
Vinay came into my cabin happily, to watch his favorite video. He did this everyday during lunch time. For him, that day was no different. But for me, it was very different. It was his last day at school. Goodbyes are always difficult. I had tears streaming down my cheeks. I looked around frantically for a tissue. But Vinay did not notice anything. Not my tears, not my feelings. He was 10 at that time. I remember thinking, “I taught him everything, but what did I really teach him?”
British Columbia Opens to RDI
State funding now available to RDI families in British Columbia!
Messiness=Healthy Infant Development
Growth is nurtured in the messiness of everyday life!
Getting Ready for Back-to-School
School is almost here! Let’s get Back-to-school Ready!
100 Improvements Since RDI
One mom shares the 100 ways RDI has helped her son.
Day Trips: Are We There Yet?
Sometimes the best thing about an extended vacation is collapsing in your own bed when it’s over. Jam-packed as many vacations are, the treadmill on which we find ourselves when we are away from home can exhaust the most energetic of parents and tire the most resilient of children. Staying in one place and exploring a surrounding area with a series of day trips can be fun; a restful pace with lots of laughter thrown in.
Sifting Truth from Myth in Autism Land
True or False: IQ is no indicator of future progress.
RDI Families Share: Dr. Audrey Todd
Audrey Todd, PhD. shares about her journey with her autistic, non-verbal son.
What Problem Does RDI Address?
Our children’s development takes place in the context of a natural intuitive “Guiding Relationship.”
Building Precious Moments
Our lives are changing and we are able to notice that we are more relaxed.
I want to be present in my life. I want to actually experience it, the good and even the bad. I want to learn and not repeat mistakes. I want to actually be a part of the good things that happen, really being in it and really feeling the feels. This is a mindset known as mindfulness.
The Mission Preview: Envisioning Your Family’s Future
In RDI parents are given the hefty task of imagining their family life in 5 years, 10 years.
How Having a Summer Job Will Benefit Your Children
Play in early developmental is the work of childhood, but work itself, is also the work of growing up.
Co-Regulation: A Brief Introduction
Parents and other caregivers can work to rebuild this interpersonal collaboration…
A Lesson Learned
“The most valuable lessons come not from teachers or textbooks, but from life experience.”